September 11, 2018

Gladwyne, PA: Close to 200 guests, sponsors, and donors attended the 2018
CITRS OPEN dinner on Tuesday, September 11 at the Philadelphia Country Club.
The evening kicked off with cocktails and students from St. Cyril of Alexandria
welcoming guests as they took their seats in the main ballroom for dinner.

After a surprise flash mob from the students, Melissa Nunez, COO of CITRS,
provided an update on CITRS’ work over the last year and the exciting new
opportunities for growth and impact in this upcoming year. The guests
congratulated Principal Sister Montague and St. Cyril of Alexandria for their
impressive achievement in being recognized as a State School of Character by Doug Karr, President and CEO of, was presented the Pennsylvania Character Consortium’s Character Achievement Award for his
visionary guidance in realizing’s mission to provide leadership and
advocacy for character worldwide. Both Karr and Clay Hamlin, Co-Founder and
CEO of CITRS, discussed where they see the character industry going and
opportunities to impact the lives of millions of children nationally and
Due to weather conditions, golf was delayed until Wednesday, September 19th.
The charity golf ball drop, where nearly 500 balls will be dropped from a
helicopter, will launch the golf day with a bang.
