August 10, 2016

Queens New York, CITRS lead consultants Jeanne Craft and Brendan Petersen facilitated a workshop with New York Junior Tennis and Learning’s ( top management team to kick off their character certification initiative as the first OST program to be considered for this prestigious national award. Senior Director of Education and Program Directors were engaged as they contributed to identifying and discussing key character development initiatives within their organization., a nonprofit organization that serves as the world’s leading spokesman for character education and development for young people, ( recently announced this new initiative to accredit out of school time (OST) organizations.
Emanating from the National Schools of Character accreditation process and’s 11 Principles of Effective Character Education (developed over 15 years by a blue ribbon panel of experts in character development), CITRS consulted with in the development of this certification program that will focus solely on OST organizations. Click here to learn more about OST organizations and how they offer ideal opportunities for character development and education.