March 16, 2018

Mayor of Buffalo Byron Brown was featured as a guest speaker at BUILD Academy’s CHARACTER COUNTS! (CC!) Guest Speakers Series. BUILD Academy is one of the 21 schools participating in the CITRS/CC! Buffalo Public School District (BPSD) Character Development Initiative.
Showing his support for the BPSD’s Character Development Initiative, Mayor Brown spoke on the importance of Trustworthiness.
The Mayor detailed the major impact that trustworthiness and overall good character have on an individual’s life and how such attributes help students to develop integrity, achieve goals, build strong and healthy relationships, and cultivate a respectable reputation. He used his experiences as Mayor to exemplify the outcomes of demonstrating good character and told students that their roles as scholars impacts their academic performance and success in life.
Mayor Brown told students, “People who have good character make a powerful difference in the world.”
Students were thrilled to hear Mayor Brown speak, as they listened intently to the Mayor’s wisdom, experiences, examples, and advice. BUILD Academy’s CC! Monthly Guest Speaker Series has been a major success, giving students the opportunity to connect with prominent community leaders and learn more about how character directly impacts one’s life and experiences.