Mike serves as a consultant on the GROW efforts. Corrigan and his associates at MDed have developed the Multi-Dimensional Youth Assessment 360 (MDYA360) Outcomes Monitoring System for K12 and Oracle-powered VitalChild’s Child Welfare case management solution. Mike is a well published psychologist and associate professor/senior lecturer (Marshall University/Ohio State University) specializing in child development, quantitative research and statistical analysis. He has consulted for more than 155 school districts, and child focused organizations, as well as directed the investigative efforts for more than $19.5 million in federal research projects funded by National Science Foundation, U.S. Department of Education and Department of Juvenile Justice. He also has years of personal and professional experience related to child welfare, foster care and juvenile justice, and the author of several K12 focused books with Corwin and Roman & Littlefield.
Michael Corrigan
GROW Consultant