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Individual Giving

Thank you for considering CITRS in your charitable giving.  Your support has a profound impact on every aspect of mission: EMPOWERING people to achieve success by building a strong foundation of CHARACTER. 

We can’t do this important work without friends like you.  Please consider donating today to help expand best-in-class character initiatives into more schools throughout the country.  

Project-Based Giving

Based on the success of our programs, there is growing demand in new districts.  Donors may wish to match or allocate funds for specific programs either by region, state, city, or school.  We seek donors interested in partnering with us to launch and implement these initiatives.

Matching Gifts

Many employers and foundations generously sponsor matching gift programs for their employees’ philanthropic interests. These companies may be willing to double or even triple the value of charitable gifts made by employees, retirees and/or their spouses.  You can increase your impact by making use of your company’s matching gift program. In these instances, you will be recognized for the full amount of your gift plus any employer match.

Legacy Giving

To ensure CITRS can continue its important work in character education for generations to come, we invite you to consider CITRS as part of your legacy.  You can make a planned gift through your:

  • Will/Living Trust

  • Retirement Plan

  • Life Insurance Policy

  • Charitable Trust

thanks sponsors.png
character sponsors.png

Anthony DiLucia

Joe Haulenbeek

Richard & Deborah Previdi

Gerhard Van Arkel

intgrity sponsors.png

Jamie Barrett

Jayson Bronchetti

William Constantine

Howard Fischer

Garno Family

Thomas Meade

Jodi Hill Osinski

trust sponsors.png

Accord Family

Ryan Ade

Dennis Alter

Norm D'Agostini

Cantor Fitzgerald

Anthony Frick

Joseph Frick

James Galbally

Karen Geller

William Giese

Robert Goldman

Ed Haldeman

Thanuja Hamilton

Eric Kleppe

Alonzo Neese

Jerry O'Grady

Max Ryan

Jack Walsh

Frank Zazzera

relationship sponsors.png

Daniel Berger

Samuel Bitonti

Suzanne Bracci

Michael Brooks

Sarah Carney

David Chang

Stephen Chang

Richard Craft

Mike Davis

Rodney Day

Joseph DeLuca 

Richie Faulkenberry

Finn Family

Warren Gelman

Wayne Harer

Patrick & Ann Heraty

Vicki Ingram

Patrick Kaleta

Guy Laren

Mark Lytle

William Martindale

Brian McElwee

Geoff Rizk

Douglas Rodio

Luis Rodriguez

Susan Santandreu

Annette Smith

Eric & Jacqueline Stern

Gerhard & Lynn Thelen

Lucie Tonon

Joe Virdone

Linda Wadsworth

James Zug

success sponsors.png

Thomas Beach

Adam Benosky

Steven Borzillo

Matthew Brouillette

Maripeg Bruder

Karen Degerberg

Stacy DiStephano

Debbie Dorche

Daniel Dougherty

Angela Duckworth

Catherine English

John Figge

Daniel Forester

Robert Geller

Ned Gian

Bari Gilbert

Gary Godsey

Mackarness Goode

Matt Handel

Tony Hayden

Timothy Jannetta

Peter Kelsen

Michael Leahy

David Constance Lees

Gail McConnell

Rohit Mehrotra

Stephanie & Charles Meloeski

William Murphy

Melissa Nunez

Brendan Petersen

Massimo Pugnali

Michael Raphael

Christopher Samaras

C Murray Saylor

Eric Schaevitz

Frantisek Stejskal

Daniel Tabas

Janine Tabs

Carol Tinari

Michael Young

friends sponsors.png

Margaret Alexander

Tina Alster

Francesco Arietta

Deborah Ashton

James Ask

Kory Aversa

Bruce Baird

Debbie Bassett

Ramona Behshad

George Bergantz

Ira Bergstein

Dennis Bianchi

Brian Blaston

Maureen Brennan-Miller

Chris Brooks

Matt Brouliette

Maripeg Bruder

Elise Carr

Scott Case

Brittany Cheney

Brent Cohen

Paul Colistra

Steve Comly

Vincent Coppola

Steve Corr

Jeanne Craft


John Crowther

Brendan Dale

Elisa Damato

Robby Davis

Sheetal Davitt

Joseph M. DeLuca

Gianna DeMedio

Kathleen DePillis

Peter Derrico

Nicholas DeWitt

Frank DiStefano

James Downey

Robert Drago

Rebecca Drury

Patrick Duffy

Catherine Dumoff

Ita Ekpoudom

Jeffrey Elefante

Robin Enan

Matt Enstice

T. Fitzpatrick


Douglas Fleagle

Andrew Fleming

Alissa Frick

Jason Friedland

Edward Gallagher

James Gallbally

Robert Gaskill

Michael Gervasio

Gene Gilbert

Mark Glidden

Mike Gllidden

Gerald Glose

Kathleen Grandin

Allison Green

Kevin Gulyas

Jenna Gyger

Clay Hamlin, IV

Amy Hamlin

Barry Hanerfeld

Terese Harbaugh

Jeffrey Harrison

Eileen Hartzell

Kerry Heitmiller

Jordana Herschthal

Tom Higgins

Kerri Holman

Tom Hooper

Deirdre Hooper

Gabriel Horwitz

Omar Ibrahimi

Michael Ingram

Oren Isacoff

Carolyn Jacob

Danielle Jacobs

Mike Kaney

Stacy Kennedy

Jennifer Ketchum

Heather Klemann

Gilbert Klemann

Lisa Koessler

Robert Kreager

David Kreager

Sanela Kunovac

Jill Later

Norm Leidke

Kevin Leonard

Eric Levicoff

John Mackler

Pamela Madden

Glenn Madere

Beatrice Majka

Jake Maldonado

Steve Malone

Frank Mancuso

Peter Markowitz

Erin Markowski

Leticia Martinez

William Mathias

Eric Matzkin

Nichole Maurer

John McCarthy

Matthew McCarthy

Megan McGowand

Michael McGrath

Eric McHugh

Linda McKay

Denise McKnight

Joseph McMahon

Mike Meginniss

Jonathan Menachem


Bruce Mitchell

Charles Mitchell

Trudy Mollenberg

Sandy Monaghan

Mary Ruth Morrow Kapsiak

Milad Nazemzadeh

Tony Nickels

Dylan O'Brien

Dan O'Brien

Barry Oaks

Chad Orcutt

Arisa Ortiz

Denise Pacer

Palmer Page

Alex Palamarchuk

Jerry Parisi

Daniel Pickens

Theresa Power

Rachel Pritzker

Akila Raman-Vaseghi

Matthew Ray

Colleen Reed

William Regan

Gregg Rego

Vanessa Rehac

Aaron Roberts

Christopher Roche

James Rogers

Ryan Room

Kathryn Rubey

Lee Ryan

Sarha Savattieri

Catherine Schweitzer

David Segal

Edward Serues

Peter Sharkey

Rob Shearer

Jay Shearon

Lesley Sheinberg

Scott Sillers

Eric Silow

Daniel Silvestri

Jonas Skovdal

Robert Smith

Megan Sneeringer

Lynsie Solomon

Hillary Sorin

Matthew Stefanski

Fanda Stejskal

Jason Sundook

Lea Surrey

Michael Sweeney

Parisa Syed

Elizabeth Tanzi

Elizabeth Tedeschi

Richard Tilghman

Paul Tingley

Bob Tracy

Carlos Tres

Anne Truitt

Vasilini Tsiouris

Jennifer Turner

Tina Twu

Nicole Tzetzo

Garret Urban

John Walsh

Nelson way

Desiree Weppner

Rodger Williams

Greg Winter

D Winther

Jeff Young

Christopher Zachary

Leila Zamani

Shahnaz Zamini






40 Morris Ave, Suite 230

Bryn Mawr, PA 19010


P. â€‹(610) 995 - 1090


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