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"Character is power."


— Booker T. Washington

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Empowering people to achieve success by building a strong foundation of character.


At CITRS, we strive to conduct ourselves—both internally and externally—with high regard for these six values:

Relationships    Collaboration    Innovation   Integrity    Respect    Excellence


In 2010, our founders, Clay Hamlin and Gene Miller recognized the growing need for effective character development in schools. Though many acknowledged that there was a problem, little was being done to promote positive school climate with long-term solutions.


Clay and Gene created CITRS to address this problem head-on.  They decided to focus on character development programs for schools and out-of-school organizations where the need was the greatest.  Over the years, CITRS has grown and so has its mission.  Today, CITRS’ approach has evolved to further include a special focus on the adults who are serving young people. We provide consultation, support, and guidance to the teams and staff members of schools and organizations.


CITRS, Inc. is a non-profit, non-partisan, non-sectarian, character development and education consulting company, and a 501 (c)(3) charitable organization.  Neither Clay nor Gene receive any compensation from CITRS, but they consider this to be their life’s work – and the best gift they can give to young people and the future of our nation.

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A Deep Dive into the
Origins of CITRS

Learn how Clay Hamlin and Gene Miller founded and built CITRS to become a leader in the field of character development in this self-published book released in November 2020.


“What I’ve learned is that to be successful, you can’t just follow the herd. Sometimes you need to be an outsider.”

—Clay Hamlin, CEO & Co-Founder, CITRS


“We often chase money, status, and recognition in our careers. But we don’t see character as a worthy possession, as everything. The truth is, it’s the best thing anyone can have.”

—Gene Miller, President & Co-Founder, CITRS

Yes! I’d like a complimentary digital copy.

Our Goal for True Success

The problem with "success" as we know it

There are many difficult challenges facing young people today. Compounding these challenges are the societal pressures to attain "me-centered" achievements, such as money, fame, and popularity. From a very young age, the expectation for "me-centered" achievement is also ingrained in our educational systems where grades and test scores dominate student assessments. When we prioritize these achievements at the expense of our character and "other-centered" achievements, our lives become unbalanced, and ultimately "true success" is often elusive.

"True success" is what we need

 True success in life requires a balance between both "me-centered" and "other-centered" achievements. These "other-centered" achievements include our role as a parent, a friend, a colleague, or member of our local, state, and national communities. In recent years, ​educators, policymakers, scholars, scientists, and foundations are increasingly recommending "other-centered" programs for schools. 

True Success is Achieved When There is a Balance Between
​"Me-Centered" and "Other-Centered" Achievements

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40 Morris Ave, Suite 230

Bryn Mawr, PA 19010


P. â€‹(610) 995 - 1090


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